Module & Instructions:


More Variants available on:

<aside> 💡 What can be customized?

Text, whitespace & spacing, positions, colors, border radius, images, image borders & shadows


  1. Comments are stored in the codes so that you know where you can adjust something. Comments are colored green in the previewer, and you can recognize them by this:

    <!-- This is a comment -->
    /* This is a comment */
    // And this is also a comment
  2. Open the Code Previewer and insert the Code below. ➡️ Code Previewer: Click Here

    <div class="SH-customer-loves">
        <div class="SH-customer-images">
            <div class="SH-verified-icon">
                <svg xmlns="<>" viewBox="0 0 48 48">
                    <polygon class="SH-svg-icon-bg" points="29.62,3 33.053,8.308 39.367,8.624 39.686,14.937 44.997,18.367 42.116,23.995 45,29.62 39.692,33.053 39.376,39.367 33.063,39.686 29.633,44.997 24.005,42.116 18.38,45 14.947,39.692 8.633,39.376 8.314,33.063 3.003,29.633 5.884,24.005 3,18.38 8.308,14.947 8.624,8.633 14.937,8.314 18.367,3.003 23.995,5.884"/>
                    <polygon class="SH-svg-icon-check" points="21.396,31.255 14.899,24.76 17.021,22.639 21.428,27.046 30.996,17.772 33.084,19.926"/>
            <!-- Customer image 1 -->
            <img src="<>" alt="Leon" class="SH-customer-img">
            <!-- Customer image 2 -->
            <img src="<>" alt="Kim" class="SH-customer-img">
        <!-- Text area -->
        <div class="SH-customer-text">
            <!-- Text with highlighted parts -->
            <span>Leon, Kim, and <b>328 other customers</b> love our <b>products</b></span>
        /* Main box */
        .SH-customer-loves {
            align-items: center; /* Centers the elements vertically */
            background-color: #f2f2f2; /* Background color of the box */
            border-radius: 30px; /* Rounded corners of the box */
            padding: 10px 20px; /* Padding of the box. First value: Top/Bottom. Second value: Left/Right */
            width: 100%; 
            display: flex; 
            box-sizing: border-box; 
            position: relative;
            flex-wrap: wrap; 
        /* Spacing for profile pictures from text */
        .SH-customer-images {
            margin-right: 10px; /* Space from text */
            display: flex; 
            align-items: center;
            position: relative;
        /* Appearance of profile pictures */
        .SH-customer-img {
            width: 40px; /* Size of customer images */
            height: 40px; /* Size of customer images */
            border-radius: 50%; /* Rounded image */
            border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; /* White border around the images */
            box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #4a90e2; /* Blue circle around the images */
            margin-left: -10px; /* Overlap effect */
        /* Blue verification icon */
        .SH-verified-icon {
            top: -5px; /* Vertical positioning of the icon */
            left: 50px; /* Horizontal positioning of the icon */
            width: 20px; /* Width of the icon */
            height: 20px; /* Height of the icon */
            position: absolute;
            z-index: 1;
        /* Background of blue verification icon */
        .SH-verified-icon .SH-svg-icon-bg {
            fill: #42a5f5; /* Color of the background in the icon */
        /* Checkmark of blue verification icon */
        .SH-verified-icon .SH-svg-icon-check {
            fill: #fff; /* Color of the checkmark in the icon */
        /* Text */
        .SH-customer-text {
            font-size: 14px; /* Font size of the text */
            color: #000; /* Color of the text */
            flex: 1;
            line-height: 16px; /* Line height of the text */
            min-width: 0;
        /* Bold text */
        .SH-customer-text b {
            font-weight: bold; /* Bold text for highlighted parts */
            color: #000; /* Color of the bold text */
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